Rug Giveaways

Don’t forget that blog subscribers get 20% off EVERYTHING at until the end of the year!

Not yet a blog subscriber? It’s oh so easy to do, just click on the Follow button at the lower-right hand corner of your screen. What? The darned button has disappeared already? (Someone who is much smarter than me needs to explain why wordpress thinks that’s a good idea, but I digress…) If you are inclined to subscribe but the Follow button has absconded with itself, just close the post and navigate back to it again, then grab that sneaky Follow button before it scampers.

The blog goes out once a month, and will be delivered straight to your very own email account. It’s chock full of interesting tips and techniques, web specials, and upcoming shows and classes.

But wait, back to that first paragraph. 20% off EVERYTHING on the website? Surely you jest. 20% off custom kits, books, linen and frames? Yes indeedy. 20% off hand-hooked rugs and custom rug hooking? Yup. But only for blog subscribers until December 31, 2017. If you do decide to stock up, you need to let me know, either on the Notes to the Seller section of your checkout form, or in an email, that you are indeed one of the very most special of special customers, and your account will be refunded 20% of your purchase!

I’ve had quite a few customers ask me if our new Delovely Frame would work for punch hooking, and I’ve had to answer that I didn’t know because I don’t do punch hooking. Well, that was easy enough to remedy; I ordered a cute little trivet kit from Wooly Walkers.

punching on delovely for web

The kit was a blast to do, the punch needle was easy to master. And the answer to the question is yes, the frame does work for punch hooking! You do need the extra set of clamps, but I found the Delovely held the backing just as tight as any embroidery hoop would do. But the real question was whether the clamps would hold as well over hooked areas and non-hooked areas, so to find out, I expanded the design to make it more pillow-sized.

punching over hooked area for web

Here you can see that the lower clamp is covering an area that is already hooked, but the backing is plenty tight to allow me to keep on punching. So my conclusion is that you can definitely use the Delovely Frame for punching! This could be really handy if you want to punch larger projects and don’t want to have to stretch the backing over a wooden frame. Now you can take your rug with you, and punch wherever.

punched mat for web

Here’s the finished mat. Just for fun I punched with every type of yarn that I use for hooking, Ewenique, Jacob’s Pride, handspun, Halcyon Deco and Botanica (Halcyon Rug Wool wouldn’t fit in my #9 punch needle), Cascade Ecological, Peace Fleece and Heirloom Romney. They all worked just great.

Whale Rug 35″x26.5″ Designed and hooked with handspun Jacob wool by Judy Taylor

The Whale Rug was won by Melissa Rodgers of Clayton, CA. Congratulations, Melissa!

Bet you’re wondering what rug we’re going to be giving away during 2018? Ta daa!

antique flower rug cropped for web
Antique Flower Rug, 33.5″x24.5″ Designed and hooked by Judy Taylor

For every $50 that you spend at Little House Rugs between now and November 25, 2018, you will be entered to win the Antique Flower Rug, hooked with handspun and hand-dyed yarns (valued at $480!). (If you purchase $100, you will be entered twice, $150 three times, etc.) It’s my way of saying Thank You to all my lovely customers. Good luck!

If you would like to read more about the Antique Flower Rug, click on our Featured Rug of the Month.

Happy Hooking everyone!

judy hooking 2

Judy Taylor

Published by


I have been rug hooking for over three decades. I started out learning to spin, and yikes! I fell in love with rug hooking! I have written many award-winning books and an instructional DVD on the craft. You can view my work at Thanks for visiting!

2 thoughts on “Rug Giveaways”

  1. I like your finished punched mat, but I think I wouldn’t like working on a project from the back…best part of watching the design develop in rug hooking! [just my opinion]

    Hope you saw my “order” for some natural yarns and burlap for my craft group.
    Merry Christmas,


    1. I did get your email, did you not get my response? If not, please email me again and include your phone number. I’m afraid some of my emails get blocked, perhaps because I am a business. It’s annoying, but we don’t want our email boxes stuffed with junk either!


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